What is a written interview ?

Posted by Fed Finance in Our employment advice
Posted at 28/11/2022
What is a written interview ?

In a recruitment and selection process, although interviews are usually face-to-face or by video conference, depending on the companies and the selection process itself, there is always the possibility of the existence of a phase in which candidates are subjected to a series of written tests. These are called selection tests. 

The written interview is a particularly common textual genre in the journalistic environment. In media such as magazines and newspapers, for example, it is common for interviews to be previously prepared, structured, and sent to the interviewee for them to answer in writing.

Normally, this type of interview takes place when the interlocutors are unable to be physically present in the same space or even due to lack of time. When we talk about a job interview, the written interview itself is not much used. However, it is very common in certain recruitment processes and for certain functions, namely in civil service job competitions, to have a phase where the so-called selection tests are applied, which are normally answered in written form, in the form of a question-answer.

This type of tool will help the recruiter to find the professional with the most suitable characteristics for the position to be filled, analyzing various aspects of the candidate's profile: technical knowledge, psychological profile, behavioral characteristics, among others. Get to know a little better the various types of tests that you may find in a recruitment and selection process.

Theoretical tests

These written tests are used to test the candidates' knowledge of certain subjects. If you are applying for a job in finance, for example, the knowledge tested will naturally be related to this professional area. So, don't neglect your study and dedicate some time to review well the subjects that will be the subject of the test. Previous preparation is fundamental for success at this stage!

Behavioral tests

As the name suggests, this type of test is used to verify the behavioral profile of everyone. For a company, it is important to identify patterns of behavior and the existence of so-called soft skills in order to anticipate situations which may be experienced on a daily basis in the function for which the candidate intends to work and to understand whether his/her characteristics are aligned with it.

Psychological tests

As with the behavioral tests, bear in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. Everything has to do with the profile of the worker who is sought for that position. Therefore, this type of tests will evaluate the candidate's characteristics, namely in the way they adapt to the function they will perform.

Essentially, this type of methodology intends to evaluate aspects linked to the individual's personality, as well as skills at a cognitive, social, and emotional level. This will allow a more precise evaluation of what will be the adaptation of that individual to that function and to the demands of the same. In the end, bear in mind that everything will be assessed together: your CV, your personal characteristics, your technical knowledge, and your psychological profile.

When you start any recruitment process, stay confident and determined. That's the key to success. And if you move on to face-to-face interviews, continue to prepare properly for that moment and make this another moment to shine by trying to anticipate, for example, some questions you should ask the interviewer and make sure you know how enhancing the first moments of the interview

Contact Fed Finance if you need more in-depth advice at this stage of your job search. Simply fill out the form on our website and we will contact you to help you through the process.