Our Employment Advice | Fed Finance
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News: Our employment advice

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Spontaneous candidature: learn how to stand out
Our employment advice

Spontaneous candidature: learn how to stand out

In a highly competitive labour market, standing out in a spontaneous application...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 30/05/2024
How long should a motivation letter be?
Our employment advice

How long should a motivation letter be?

The Motivation Letter plays a crucial role in the process of applying for jobs,...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 29/05/2024

Work-life balance in 6 steps

How often do we realize that professional challenges invade our personal life...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 24/07/2024

Soft skills and hard skills: how important are they?

In the corporate world, the combination of hard skills and soft skills plays a key...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 13/06/2024

Impostor syndrome: how to overcome it

Fraudulent, undeserving, deceitful, insecure... This is how those who suffer from...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 05/06/2024

Why your company should invest on an online presence

These days, having a strong online presence is fundamental to the success of any...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 17/05/2024

How to develop emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a crucial skill that enables us to deal with emotions,...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 12/04/2024

How much does an accountant get paid in Portugal

Accountancy is an essential activity in any company. But how much do these...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 22/03/2024

New job: practical tips for success

Finding a new job can take time and effort, but with the right strategy and a...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 21/03/2024

Want to work from home? Follow our tips

Working remotely is an increasingly common reality these days and can be a great...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 21/03/2024

The 5 powers of good leadership

Leadership is a broad and complex concept that plays a fundamental role in...
Posted by Fed Finance
Posted at 15/03/2024