Importance of leadership in companies' strategy

Posted by Fed Finance in Our employment advice
Posted at 28/07/2023
Importance of leadership in companies' strategy

Leadership is crucial to the success and sustainable growth of any organization. In this article, we look at the various leadership models and consider how best to achieve effective leadership in the business context.

We understand leadership as the ability of a person to influence and guide a group of individuals to achieve common goals. This process of motivating, guiding and inspiring members of a team, organization or community helps us to achieve effective and positive outcomes. Leadership involves the ability to make decisions, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and manage resources. To achieve all this, a leader who can motivate teams must be empathetic, emotionally intelligent, strategically minded and able to delegate responsibilities. 

There are many theoretical approaches to this topic and several leadership models that can be adopted. Each of them brings different perspectives on the best way to lead teams and achieve positive results in organisations.


Effective leadership plays a key role in fostering employee motivation and engagement. In addition, competent leaders are able to set clear goals, create efficient strategies, make assertive decisions and inspire confidence in those who are mentored by them. These qualities are key to leveraging team performance and achieving organizational objectives.


As mentioned, there are several leadership styles that can be adopted, each with distinct characteristics. We explore some of them.

Authoritative Leadership

Proposed by Daniel Goleman, this type of leadership emphasizes the importance of the leader knowing him/herself, recognizing the role of each member of the team and letting each one understands that their roles are crucial to achieving the final goal. This leadership style seeks to take risks and develop the ability to influence others. 

Situational Leadership

According to Hersey and Blanchard, this type of leadership is closely related to the concept of adaptability. The leader must assess the level of competence and maturity of the people he or she works with to define the best approach, so that it is either more guiding or more delegative. 

Transformational Leadership

Warren Bennis emphasizes that this type of leadership can inspire followers through shared vision and organizational values. Transformational leaders motivate their employees to go beyond what is expected and achieve extraordinary results. 

Servant Leadership

Advocated by Peter Drucker, this approach places the well-being and development of employees as a top priority for the leader. This way of working seeks to help people develop and thrive both professionally and personally.


Choosing the right leadership style will depend on the specific needs and characteristics of each situation. It is essential that leaders know their work team and their context well to make the right choice. Investing in self-development methodologies is also important, as it allows to expand the range of behavioral resources available to the leader. We come to the big question, how to adapt the leadership style to the context? A good leader is one who knows how to adapt to the changes and contextual demands of the company. There are times when a participative style will be essential, while in other cases, rapid decision- making will solve more emerging problems. In this sense, the ability to adapt is a valuable attribute for any leader.


To exemplify the importance of effective leadership, we can analyze two well-known cases: Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple and Sheryl Sandberg, CFO of Facebook.

Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, is a great example of transformational leadership. His bold and innovative vision allowed Apple to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. He inspired his team by conveying his passion for design and attention to detail, pushing his employees to think outside the box.

Sheryl Sandberg, as CFO of Facebook, allows us to reach a good example of servant leadership through her example of dedication to creating an inclusive and empowering environment for women in technology. Through initiatives such as Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg encourages her employees to identify their passions and overcome obstacles in their professional careers. 

Without a doubt, good leadership will always be critical to a company's success. An effective leader can motivate and inspire their team, creating positive and productive working environments. In addition, leadership is responsible for setting clear goals, making strategic decisions, identifying talent, and resolving internal conflicts. Without strong leadership, a company may face difficulties in its growth process and its results will always be harder to achieve. 

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