How to work as an accountant in Portugal

Posted by Fed Finance in Our employment advice
Posted at 26/09/2022
How to work as an accountant in Portugal

Where money goes, accountants follow. Portugal is constantly opening new markets, especially in the area of tourism, and this means that the country will be experiencing growth in demand for accounting. With a booming financial industry, Portugal is a world of new possibilities for many to explore. That being said, one must know their options to dive into the world of accounting in Portugal, and that is what this article is going to explain to you today.


First and foremost, one must train to become an accountant. There are various paths to achieve this goal. It must be noted that merely having a degree in economics in general is not sufficient to become a certified accountant. Within the given course, the curriculum must include certain subjects, such as analytic accounting. One must then also register to be part of the OCC - Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados
Be constantly aware of the requirements of the job market around you and update your resumé accordingly. Keep up with accounting software and legislation and brush up on your skills by taking courses that can make your job applications stand out. If you are interested in training, various levels of courses are offered around Portugal, such as the ones offered by the IEFP - Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional and in higher education, some distinct educational institutions such as the Universidade Católica, ISEG and ISCTE Business School where the best teachers available teach. 


Before you start your professional life, consider doing a professional internship and try to find out which area you would like to work in. Informe yourself in the IEFP about this possibility. This type of internship is partly subsidized by the Portuguese State and is therefore very advantageous both for the trainee himself and for the company in which he wishes to work.
As an accountant, you have some freedom in how you work. Depending on your ambition in terms of salary value, work environment and schedule, you can go solo and work as a freelance accountant, work for the state or work for a private company. Each path has its own advantages and disadvantages, so here are a few tips for each possibility.

Working solo 

If you have the confidence and ambition to do so, you can work freelance as an accountant, providing services to various clients. Keep in mind, however, that you will be solely responsible for every aspect of the job, including finding clients. It is good to first put yourself out in the market by creating business social media accounts, such as on LinkedIn and Twitter, expanding your network and even become a personality in your field that people trust. Remember to also ask for references, which can increase exponentially the chances of clients using your services. 

Working for a big company 

Working for a company can pay well and can make finding clients easier than working as a freelancer. All you must do is find a company that is a good fit for you. Nowadays, job offers are many and many times they are just a click away. Read the article available on our website and learn how to look for a job on the internet in 6 steps. You will see how easy and quick it is.
Consider working for a big company if your main focus is your salary but be prepared for heavy bureaucracy and a more corporate work environment. These jobs are the easiest to find, as they are the most visible, but competition to get spots at big companies might be difficult, so make sure to keep your resumé competitive. Often, your job at big firms will be more focused on analytic accounting - make sure you are experienced in the area before sending in your application. 

Working for a small company 

Consider working for a small company if you are happy with what will likely be lower pay in exchange for less bureaucracy and a feeling of satisfaction by helping a smaller business succeed. Applying for these positions will typically be less competitive, meaning they are a good starting point for your career. Your tasks will also be more generalized accounting tasks, so make sure that is what you want to be working on. Of course, these are all broad outlines of what is going on in our rapidly growing, increasingly competitive, and booming job market. 

If you need help finding a job in accounting, don't hesitate to contact Fed Finance. As a company specialized in finance and accounting, we provide full support to those looking for a job in this area, clearing up any doubts about job offers available and accompanying the entire employability process from start to finish, in a personalized way adjusted to each candidate. To contact us, simply fill in the FORM and we will get in touch with you.